
Life on earth is impossible without sunlight (Benefits of Sunlight). From plants to humans, everyone needs it to survive. We get vitamin D from this, which is very beneficial for our health.

However, nowadays we prefer to go out in the sun less. We do this to avoid the risk of tanning, dark spots and skin cancer caused by UV rays from the sun. But let us tell you that it is very important to spend some time in the sun during the day. This is very important not only for our physical health but also for mental health (Benefits of Sunlight for Mental Health). In this article, we will learn about how sunlight is beneficial for mental health.


Vitamin D and mental health

Vitamin D is produced in the skin when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D performs many important functions in our body, including increasing the production of serotonin . Serotonin is a hormone that regulates our mood. Low serotonin levels can increase the risk of depression and other mental health problems.


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs during the winter months when there is less sunlight. People suffering from SAD often feel tired, sleepy, gain weight, and lose willpower. To help deal with SAD, doctors often suggest light therapy. In such a situation, spending some time in the sun helps in reducing the symptoms of depression.


Improves sleep cycle

Sunlight also affects our sleep cycle. When we are exposed to sunlight, the production of a hormone called melatonin in our body decreases. Melatonin helps induce sleep. Therefore, one should spend some time in the sun to improve the sleep cycle.


Reduces stress

Stress is a common problem that can negatively affect our mental health . But sunlight can be helpful in avoiding or reducing it. Exposure to sunlight can reduce the production of cortisol hormone, which is a stress hormone, in our body.
