
 New Delhi. Shukrawar Ke Upay: In astrology, Venus is considered to be the factor of happiness. If the position of Venus is auspicious or strong in the horoscope, the person gets all kinds of material and worldly happiness in life. Also, the person gets the desired life partner. At the same time, due to weak Venus, the person has to go through financial crises. Therefore, astrologers advise to worship Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, and the guru of demons, Shukra Dev and Kuber Dev on Friday. There is also a provision to do special remedies on Friday to get wealth. By doing these remedies, Venus planet becomes strong in the horoscope. This increases happiness. At the same time, career and business also get a new dimension. Come, know the remedies-


  • According to astrologers, taking a bath on Fridays by adding cardamom to water strengthens the planet Venus in the horoscope. If you want, you can take a bath with cardamom mixed water every day.
  • Lord Shiva is the idol of Shukra Dev, the Guru of demons . Therefore, on Fridays, mix fragrance in Gangajal and perform the anointment of Lord Shiva. By doing this remedy, Lord Shiva becomes pleased quickly. By his grace, the devotee gets the desired boon.
  • On Friday, after taking bath and meditation, worship Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, as per rituals. Offer rice pudding to Goddess Lakshmi as Prasad. Also offer seven cowries to Goddess Lakshmi. Now tie the offered cowries in a yellow cloth and keep them in the safe.

Venus Mantra

  3. ऊँ Give me clothes to Venus Svaha.
  4. ॐ Bhrigurajaya विद्महे Divya Dehaya धीमहि तन्नो shukर प्रचोदयात्।
  5. ऊँ Drink the juice flowing from food by Brahma, the milk of the Kshatriyas, the Creator.
  6. ऊँ I offer my obeisances to Bhrigu who is like the lotus of Himakunda the supreme spiritual master of the demons and the preacher of all scriptures.

Venus Armor

He was dressed in yellow and was adorned with a garland of flowing beads.

For the fulfillment of one’s desires one should meditate on the great poet who is the treasure trove of the meaning of all scriptures.

ॐ May Bhārgava protect my head, and may the lord of the planets protect my forehead.

May the spiritual master of the demons protect my eyes, and may the light of sandalwood protect my ears.

May the poet, who is worshiped by the demons, protect my nose and my face.

May the devotee of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa protect my tongue and my neck.

May the treasure of effulgence protect my arms, and may the mind-god protect my abdomen.

May the son of Bhrigu protect my navel and the lover of the earth protect my middle.

May the Supreme Soul, worshiped by the demigods, protect my waist and my thighs.

May the destroyer of folly protect my knees and the best of the wise protect my thighs.

May the treasure of virtues protect my armpits and the beautiful robe protect my feet.

May the Lord, adorned with a golden garland, protect all my limbs.

Anyone who recites this divine Kavaca with faith

By the grace of Lord Bhṛgu, he never suffers any pain.

