A case has come to light from a temple in Karnataka's Kalaburagi district which has shocked everyone. Actually, a note has been found in the donation box in the temple of the goddess in which someone has prayed for the death of his mother-in-law. The temple management was shocked after reading such a complaint written in the note. Let us know about this whole case in detail.
What is the vow?
This shocking incident has come to light from Karnataka's Kalaburgi. The donation box in Bhagyawanti temple in Katadargi area of Afzalpur taluka of the district got filled, after which the management started counting the money offered in the hundi. A 20 rupee note came out of the donation box. The plea written on the note found in the temple's donation box reads - 'Mother, may my mother-in-law die soon.'
Made a wish to Bhagyavati Devi
Usually when the donation box of a temple is opened, it is a popular custom to report the revenue of the temple, or the collection of such a large amount, but instead of the amount collected in this temple, a 20 rupee note has become the topic of discussion. When the donation box of the temple was opened and the notes were counted, the wish made to Bhagyavanti Devi in one of the notes shocked everyone. Now this matter is going viral on social media.
What else was found in the donation box?
60 lakh rupees in cash, 1 kg silver and 200 tola gold jewellery were found in the donation box of the temple, but what caught everyone's attention was what was written on the 20 rupee note. Usually people pray to the gods and goddesses for the well-being of their family, but in this case, this unknown woman has wished for the death of her mother-in-law.