New Delhi. IAS Manoj Kumar Singh has been appointed as the new Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh. He will also hold the post of Infrastructure and Industrial Development Commissioner (IIDC) and CEO UPDA. On Sunday evening, he reached the Chief Secretary's office and met Durga Shankar Mishra and formally took over from him. Let's know who is Manoj Kumar Singh?
Who is IAS Manoj Kumar Singh?
- Manoj Kumar Singh is originally from Ranchi, Jharkhand. He was born on July 25, 1965.
- Manoj Kumar is counted among the sharp officers.
- He will retire in July 2025. Till now he had the responsibility of many important departments like IIDC, Agriculture Production Commissioner, Additional Chief Secretary Panchayati Raj, CEO UPDA.
- He first became the Joint Magistrate of Mainpuri in 1990. After this, he kept getting important responsibilities. He has also been the DM in Lalitpur, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Pilibhit, Moradabad and Aligarh.
Two officers senior to Manoj Kumar Singh are from the 1987 batch and one officer is from the 1988 batch. These include Arun Singhal and Leena Nandan of the 1987 batch. Both officers are currently posted on central deputation. Arun Singhal is the secretary in the health and family welfare department and Leena Nandan is the secretary in the consumer affairs department. Dr. Rajneesh Dubey of the 1988 batch is currently the chairman of the Revenue Board. He is retiring in August this year.
Durga Shankar Mishra did not get extension of service
Chief Secretary Durga Shankar Mishra could not get the fourth extension from the Center. He was Chief Secretary on extension for the last two and a half years. He retired on Sunday. Durga Shankar, a 1984 batch officer, was made Chief Secretary on 30 December 2021, two days before his retirement. He got a one-year extension as soon as he became Chief Secretary. In December 2022, he was given a second extension for another year. In view of the Lok Sabha elections, the Central Government gave him a third extension for six months in December 2023.