
New Delhi. Mahadev Ki Aarti: In Sanatan Dharma, Monday is completely dedicated to Mahadev, the God of Gods. On this day, special worship of Lord Shiva is done. Also, Monday fast is observed. According to astrologers, worshiping Lord Shiva on Monday strengthens the Moon and Venus in the horoscope. With a strong Moon in the horoscope, the person is always happy. Also, success is achieved in all kinds of auspicious works. At the same time, with a strong Venus in the horoscope, the person gets all kinds of happiness. If you also want to please Mahadev, the God of Gods, and be a part of his blessings, then worship Lord Shiva on Monday as per the rituals. At this time, recite Shiva Chalisa and chant Shiva mantras. At the end of the worship, do this Aarti.

Mother Chandraghanta Meditation Mantra

I salute her whose peak is made of half a moon for the attainment of the desired object

The illustrious Chandraghanta riding on a lion

The third Durga is situated in Manipur and has three eyes.

Sword, club, trident, bow and arrow, lotus waterpot, garland, fearful of the best.

She was dressed in silk clothes with a soft smile and adorned with various ornaments

She is adorned with chains, necklaces, bracelets, beads and gemstone earrings.

The blossoming worship of the bibadhara, the lovely forehead, the tuga breasts.

The young lady was beautiful with her waist and hips emaciated

Maa Chanderghanta Ki Aarti (Maa Chanderghanta aarti)

Meditation on Chandraghanta on the third day of Navratri.

There is a half moon on the forehead, a faint smile.

Holding weapons in ten hands and tied with a sword.

The life of the wicked is taken away by the sound of the bell.

The golden body of Singh Vahini Durga shines.

It brings peace to the troubles and pain of the devotees of Hari.

She gives knowledge to everyone by speaking sweet words.

I am trapped in the ocean of existence, do good to me.

Mother of Navratri, please bless me mother.

Hail mother Chandraghanta, Hail mother Chandraghanta.

Aarti of Shiv Shankarji 

True, eternal, beautiful, Shiva is the Lord of all.

Unchangeable, indestructible, eternally omniscient.

Har Har Har Mahadev...

The beginning, the eternal, the incorruptible, the intelligent, the artistic.

Pure, formless, invisible, unmoving, non-eating.

Har Har Har Mahadev...

Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwar you are the trinity.

You are the doer, the sustainer, the destroyer.

Har Har Har Mahadev...

Protector, preserver, motivator, beloved donor.

The witness, the ultimate non-doer, the proud doer.

Har Har Har Mahadev...

The inhabitant of the gem-like house, the most enjoyable Ragi.

Always wanders in the crematorium, a yogi and an ascetic.

Har Har Har Mahadev...

Bark-skull, flesh-neck, Mundmala Vyali.

Chita ashes three-eyed, Ayanamahakali.

Har Har Har Mahadev...

Ghosts and vampires, well-served, with yellow matted hair.

Vivasana is severe, Rudra is devastating.

Har Har Har Mahadev...

white-gentle, sursaridhar, shashidhar, pleasant.

Very charming, peaceful, mind-destroying, Shivamuni.

Har Har Har Mahadev...

Nirgun, Sagun, Niranjan, world-famous eternal Lord.

Time form only every! O Lord beyond time.

Har Har Har Mahadev...

Sat, Chit, Ananda, Juicy, Compassionate Creator.

The treasure of love, my beloved, the saviour of the entire world.

Har Har Har Mahadev

We are extremely humble and merciful! Please give us shelter at your feet.

Do all the methods with a pure mind, and adopt them.

Har Har Har Mahadev...
