Lucknow News: On 8 September, miscreants misbehaved with the female employees of the power line set up for the safety of women in Uttar Pradesh. When the female employees were returning home after finishing their 12:00 pm shift, some unruly people stopped their vehicle on the way and started vandalizing and abusing them. In this case, the police have started investigation by filing an FIR against some unidentified persons including one named person.
Let us tell you that when the women workers were ready to go home at 12:00 midnight after finishing the night shift on 8th September, Head Constable Sheshvind was going to Jiyamau in a government vehicle to drop the women workers home. Then on the way some unruly elements stopped his vehicle and started abusing him. During this, one of those unruly elements also broke the glass of the vehicle, after which the women workers got very scared.
In this case, an FIR has been registered on the complaint of Additional SP Vijay Kumar Tripathi, staff officer of the Women and Child Protection Organization. The name of a youth named Satish Yadav has also come up in the FIR among those who misbehaved. An FIR has been registered against Satish Yadav as well as other unknown persons.
Police engaged in search of the accused
It is written in this FIR that while creating ruckus, Satish Yadav had threatened to kill the driver and other female workers. On the basis of the FIR, the police is searching for the accused in this case and efforts are also on to find out the reason behind the incident. Prima facie, the matter of collision of the vehicle is also coming to light.