
The entire country is hurt by the endless pain of the rape incident in Kolkata. There is an outcry everywhere. The question is whether such an incident has happened for the first time? We all have the answer to this.

Candle marches, demonstrations on the streets, revolutionary thoughts on the internet media and that's it. Don't we know that every day, every moment, in some corner of the country, 'wolves' in the garb of human body are wandering around in search of their prey, engrossed in lust.


They do not care whether their prey is a little girl or an adult woman. Incidents of rape are screaming that we are not part of a civilized society but are living in a barbaric society.

This situation will remain the same because when we are putting all our energy into fighting the battle of victory and defeat in the game of accusations and counter-accusations, then how will we think about the treatment of this inhuman social disease?


If a culture that worships women as goddesses becomes a witness to rape, then the entire responsibility for this certainly goes to the silent acceptance of the social system, which we have accepted as 'masculinity'. The distorted definition of masculinity accepts women as 'pleasure' and the nurturing of this definition starts from the family.

This process of socialization, which is completely free from the rules of a decent life, fosters disorderly life. When sexual disorder caused by women is becoming a subject of laughter in the family circle, at the same moment such children are also born who are moving towards the first step of accepting women as 'objects of enjoyment'.

The tongue that makes vulgar comments in the streets is not the product of any elected culture but is the result of the patronage of those parents who find such behavior of their children normal and manly.



'They are boys, they will do this... only girls should take care'

This sentence gives birth to that bestial tendency, the responsibility of which lies entirely with the parents. The tendency to accept a rapist in the social system pats him on the back and consoles him that just as the weak judicial and police system will protect him, in the same way the society will forget his crimes and accept him easily.

In such a scenario, it becomes inevitable to know about the rapist and murderer Sikandar (Jeevanu) of Jaipur (Rajasthan). Jeevanu first raped a girl in 2001, but he was released from jail. In 2014, he raped and murdered a four-year-old girl. He was released again.

In 2015, he again made an innocent girl a victim of his lust but was released. In 2019, he again made two girls his victims. Getting arrested and released six times raises questions, the answer to which lies with the police, lawyers, bailiffs and the judicial system.


What is rape culture?

All these are the supporters of that social system which is called 'rape culture'. In rape cases, many times the accused is also asked to get married. Our humanity should be up to the level where the common man is not weak and the criminal is not strong. Porn and obscene material, which is easily available, also has a big role in the preservation of this culture.

American serial killer and rapist Ted Bundy had said in an interview that 'if he had not been addicted to watching porn, he would not have committed sexual crimes.'

American author and activist Robin Morgan wrote in her 1974 article, Theory and Practice: Pornography and Rape, that it works like a theory that is carried out in practice as rape.
