
Lifestyle Desk, New Delhi. World Blood Donor Day 2024:  Blood donation is called Mahadaan. Donating blood helps save the lives of so many people. In many life-threatening medical conditions, the life of the patient is saved with the help of donated blood. Therefore, efforts are made to encourage people for work like blood donation. Every year, World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on 14 June to make people aware about noble work like blood donation. Let us know why World Blood Donor Day is celebrated every year and what is the special theme of this year.

Why is World Blood Donor Day celebrated?

This day is celebrated to make people aware of the important role of blood donation in the medical field. This day is also important because on this day all blood donors are thanked, due to whom lives of millions of people are saved. Therefore, on this day people are encouraged to donate blood.

How did the celebration of World Blood Donor Day begin?

Richard Lower, a scientist from Nassau, did the first successful blood transfusion between two dogs in 1940, which did not have any side effects. Based on this test, the technique of blood transfusion was developed in humans as well. After this, in the year 2005, the World Health Assembly declared June 14 as World Blood Donor Day and since then this day started being celebrated. This year marks the completion of twenty years of celebrating this day.

What is this year's theme?

The World Health Organization said on its website that this year's theme is - "20 years of celebrating giving: thank you blood donors!" Through this theme, millions of blood donors, due to whom the health industry is able to do blood transfusion smoothly, are being thanked. Along with this, WHO wrote that through this day, efforts are being made to promote the culture of regular blood donation among young people and the general public and to promote blood donation.
