A horrific road accident has taken place on Yalapura highway in Karnataka's Uttara Kannada district. Here in Gulapur, a truck carrying vegetables lost control and collided with a tripper, in which the truck was completely destroyed. 11 people have died and 10 people have been injured in this accident. This accident happened at around 4 am.
What did the police say?
The vegetable truck in which they were travelling fell into a 50-metre deep ravine in the wee hours of Wednesday, a police official said. The victims, all fruit vendors, had set out from Savanur and were headed towards the Yalapura fair to sell fruits. Uttara Kannada Superintendent of Police M Narayana said they were travelling on the Savanur-Hubli road when the accident occurred in a forested area.
"Around 4 am, the truck driver swerved to the extreme left to give way to another vehicle and fell into a ravine about 50 metres deep," Narayan told the media. He added that the road in the ravine has no protective wall. "Some died on the spot and many were seriously injured," the official said. The injured have been admitted to KIMS hospital in Hubli.
Road accident in Sindhanur too, 4 killed
A road accident case was also reported in Raichur, Karnataka. Four people died and 10 were injured when a vehicle overturned here. The incident took place in Sindhanur. After postmortem, the body was handed over to the parents. The case has been registered at Sindhanur Traffic Police Station. It is worth noting that people lose their lives in road accidents every day. In such a situation, it is important to be very careful while driving. Many times drivers are seen driving very carelessly, due to which people have to suffer.