
New Delhi.  Drug Prohibition Day is celebrated every year on 26 June. The purpose of celebrating this day is to tell people about the dangers of drug addiction. Also, to make people aware about the risks of illicit drug trade. Nowadays people are taking many kinds of drugs like alcohol, drugs, marijuana and heroin. These may make you feel good for some time, but their addiction can make you a victim of many problems. Not only adults, even children are getting caught in the clutches of drugs. Along with use, cases of illicit trafficking of drugs also keep coming to the fore every day. International Day Against Drug Abuse and illicit trafficking was started with the purpose of curbing these things.

History of International Day Against Drug Abuse

In the year 1987, on 7 September, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution. In which it was said to celebrate International Day against Drug Abuse to stop illegal use and illegal trafficking of drugs. This day was celebrated for the first time in the year 1989 and since then this day is being celebrated every year. 

International Day Against Drug Abuse 2024 Theme

Every year this day is celebrated with a theme, so the theme of International Drug Prohibition Day in the year 2024 is "The Evidence is Clear: Invest in Prevention"

In the year 2023, it was celebrated with the theme 'People first prevent stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention'.

The theme of International Day Against Drug Abuse in the year 2022 was "Addressing drug challenges in health and humanitarian crises"

Importance of International Day Against Drug Abuse

The celebration of this day was started with the aim of preventing people from getting addicted to drugs . Drug addiction is a very bad habit, which not only ruins your health but can also make you a victim of financial crisis. It can spoil your relationships and can also destroy your professional life. People put all these things at stake to get some peace for a while.  
