
New Delhi. These days, diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes have become quite common. Many around us are victims of these problems. These are such diseases which have no cure, they are controlled only with the help of medicines and healthy lifestyle. The problem of increasing uric acid is also one of these, for which people often take medicines. However, apart from medicines, the level of uric acid can also be reduced by making some minor changes in lifestyle. Let us know some such easy remedies.

How does uric acid increase?

The body produces uric acid on its own. It is ingested in very small quantities through the diet, but when the kidneys are unable to clear it completely, its level in the body starts increasing and it starts accumulating in the joints in the form of crystals, which causes pain.

Kidneys are unable to clear uric acid due to many reasons, of which disordered and poor lifestyle is a major reason. If neglected, this increased uric acid can also cause gout and kidney stones . You can adopt 5 effective ways to actually reduce uric acid and find your uric acid level reduced in the next blood test.

Reduce uric acid with these methods

  • Completely cut down the intake of things that trigger the process of increasing uric acid like alcohol, ready-to-eat packaged food, sugar, high fructose corn syrup which is found in biscuits, soft drinks and packaged juice cartons.
  • Make fresh coriander chutney a part of your daily meal. It reduces the level of creatinine and uric acid in the blood.
  • Crush the coriander seeds . Boil it in a cup of water. When three-fourths of it is left, turn off the gas. Drink this coriander water twice a day.
  • Eat seasonal vegetables. By eating vegetables rich in potassium, the kidney removes extra uric acid from the body and thus controls its level.
  • Squeeze lemon into your food and eat it. The citrate present in lemon helps in removing extra uric acid from the system.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

