
New Delhi. Running is a great workout. People who cannot go to the gym or do intense workouts should at least run. Apart from strengthening the legs, it refreshes the mood, boosts metabolism, strengthens joints, and also improves the sleep cycle. Often people wake up in the morning and go for a run. Then after coming back, they start drinking water or coffee, but special attention should be paid to food after running.

By consuming nutritious food within half an hour of running, the body absorbs it quickly and compensates for the loss of nutrients used during running. Along with this, muscle development and repair also happen in a better way and metabolism remains balanced. Therefore, include these foods in the diet to eat after running in the morning.

Milk, almonds, or chickpeas

All these things provide the body with adequate protein and other essential vitamins and minerals that provide instant energy. These are excellent options to relieve fatigue after running.


Eating dry fruits or nuts rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins A and K, and calcium after running improves the glycogen level of the body and provides instant energy.


It can be called a complete food for runners, because eggs are low in calories, fat, and carbs and contain high-quality protein, calcium and vitamin B2 along with many other nutrients, which makes it an excellent option. Egg whites are the best option for people who are losing weight because they contain nutrients like selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12, zinc, iron, and copper, which provide ample nutrition to the body after running.


Most people consume whey protein or protein shakes after running, but these should be consumed under the supervision of an expert. In such a situation, eating paneer provides the body with the nutrients of casein and whey protein.

Electrolyte or coconut water

It is very important to hydrate yourself after running. During running, the body sweats, and essential electrolytes are depleted. Therefore, instead of normal water, you can drink energy drinks, electrolytes, or even coconut water.


