
Lifestyle Desk, New Delhi. Healthy and good food is very important for good health. A healthy diet includes everything from food to health drinks and juices. However, excess of anything ultimately harms health. Same is the case with fruit juice, excessive consumption of which can sometimes be harmful. In such a situation, apart from fruit juice, you can also include fresh vegetable juice in your diet.

Cabbage juice is considered to be the most nutritious vegetable juice. Often people throw away the upper few leaves of cabbage, but instead of throwing them away, they can be washed thoroughly and juice can be made from them. This is a type of medicine, which can cure many types of diseases. Let us know some of its benefits-

benefits of cabbage juice

  • Vitamin C and K are found in abundance in cabbage juice, which has many benefits. It increases the immunity of the body and protects it from damage caused by free radicals.
  • Cabbage juice, rich in vitamin A and sulfur, helps in the formation of keratin, which keeps hair, nails and skin healthy.
  • The potassium present in cabbage juice cleanses the body and skin and makes them glowing.
  • Vitamin A, K and glutamine present in it protect against damage caused by Helicobacter pyrolii infection found on the lining of the stomach. Vitamin U found in it is a type of anti-peptic ulcer factor. These ulcers are capable of healing. Consuming it on an empty stomach in the morning starts healing within 3 weeks. It is very beneficial for overall gut health .
  • It also prevents colitis, gastritis and Crohn's disease. Cabbage juice also reduces acidity.
  • Regular consumption of cabbage juice has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels, thereby maintaining good heart health.
  • Beta carotene is found in cabbage juice, which makes it helpful in absorbing nutrients.
