
New Delhi. Side Effects of Cold Coffee: You may like cold coffee for giving instant energy to the body in summer, but do you know that its excessive consumption has a very bad effect on health? Yes, it not only causes fatigue and weakness, but it is also not considered good for the digestive system. At the same time, if you are suffering from blood pressure problem, then drinking cold coffee is not right in any case. Let us know in this article how cold coffee, which has become an important part of lifestyle, can become a cause of trouble for health.

problem of dehydration

It is fine to drink juice or lassi etc. to keep the body hydrated, but if you think cold coffee is better in this case, then you are wrong. Let us tell you, its excessive consumption can cause dehydration in the body. This is the reason why it is advisable to take less caffeine in summers.


Increase in blood sugar

Due to the sugar present in cold coffee, you may also have a problem of high blood pressure . If you are a diabetic patient and like to consume it, then you can avoid sugar.

Bad for the digestive system

Consuming cold coffee is also not considered good from the point of view of digestion. It can spoil gut health, this is the reason why many people face problems like gas and acidity after drinking cold coffee.

Fatigue and weakness

Excessive consumption of cold coffee can also cause headaches and fatigue . Excessive amounts of caffeine can cause sleepless nights, due to which the body's energy level remains low throughout the day.

