The whole country is shocked by what happened with Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. Thieves had entered Kareena Kapoor and Saif's house in Bandra. The actor was stabbed while trying to save the children from the thief, after which he is admitted in Lilavati Hospital. He is out of danger now, but celebs are expressing their concern for him. Meanwhile, Urvashi Rautela has said something after which she has become the target of trolls.
Actually, in an interview given to ANI, Urvashi Rautela had expressed concern over the Saif Ali Khan attack case. But while talking about Saif, Urvashi said something that made people angry at her. Urvashi had said, "I just read that he has finally recovered now. It is very unfortunate. So much care has to be taken."
Urvashi spoke on Saif's condition
Having said this, Urvashi Rautela said something that people did not like. While talking about Saif, she started talking about her Rolex watch. She said, “Now you yourself think that after the success of Daku Maharaj of 105 crores, my mother gifted me a diamond Rolex watch and my father also gifted me a mini watch.”
Flaunted expensive gifts
Urvashi further said, "This is a gift because we have crossed Rs 105 crore. This is a gift but we will not feel confident outside. We cannot wear it openly because there is an insecurity that anyone can attack us. So it is very unfortunate what happened." After this statement, Urvashi Rautela is being badly trolled. After trolling, the actress also had to apologize.
Urvashi Rautela regrets it
Urvashi Rautela has apologized for her actions. She wrote on Instagram, “Dear Saif Ali Khan Sir, I hope this message gives you strength. I am very sorry and I am writing to apologize from my heart. Until now I was completely unaware of the seriousness of the situation you are facing. I am ashamed that I let myself get carried away by the excitement of Daku Maharaj and the gifts I received, instead of accepting and understanding what you are going through.”
Apologized to Saif
Urvashi Rautela further added, "Please accept my apology for my ignorance and insensitivity. Now that I know the gravity of your case I am deeply saddened and would like to offer my unwavering support. Your decency, dignity and resilience in such challenging times is truly admirable and I have immense respect for your strength."
Made this promise to Saif
Urvashi wrote, "If I can help or support in any way, please do not hesitate to let me know. Once again I am truly sorry for my past indifference Sir. I promise to do better and always prioritise compassion and understanding in the future."