Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Friday visited the Government Girls Senior Secondary School in Dharamshala, Kangra on the occasion of Girl Child Day and announced a grant of Rs 1,000 each to all 351 girls enrolled in the school. Congratulating the students, he expressed his resolve to improve the education system in the state. He shared his personal experience of studying in a government school and acknowledged the lack of confidence among students of these schools.
The government is focusing on improving the quality of education
Sukhu assured that the state government is taking decisive steps to instill confidence in these children and said that this will help them become responsible and competent citizens. He also stressed that no student will be deprived of education and the government is focusing on increasing the quality of education. He also visited Government Senior Secondary School (Boys) in Dharamshala and reviewed the facilities being provided to the students.
50 brilliant students will be sent abroad soon
Education Minister Rohit Thakur said the state government has filled hundreds of vacant teaching posts and promoted deputy directors. He said students and teachers have also been sent on 'exposure visits' to encourage and motivate children. He also said 50 meritorious students will also be sent abroad soon.