
New Delhi.  In the increasing heat, people adopt various methods to avoid heatwave and its related diseases. Sunscreen, hat, umbrella, sunglasses and lots of water are our companions in this increasing heat. Heatwave can affect all parts of the body, in which eyes are a very important organ. The fast moving hot wind and increasing temperature can prove to be very harmful for the eyes. Therefore, it is important to take special care of the eyes or else this heatwave can cause serious conditions like eye stroke.

Hazards to eyes from heatwaves

  • Dry Eyes: Due to high temperatures, the water in the eye film dries up, causing the eyes to become red and feel irritated.
  • Conjunctivitis- Sensation of something stinging in the eyes, watery eyes and redness of the eyes are some of the symptoms of conjunctivitis, which often occurs in summer.
  • Eye Allergy- The pollution particles present in the heat wave enter the eyes causing allergic reactions like redness, burning and itching in the eyes.
  • Eye stroke- Blood flow in the retina of the eyes starts getting blocked, which can cause loss of vision. This is a medical emergency and is a very dangerous condition. Due to excessive heat, blood clots form on the retina of the eyes, which can cause eye stroke due to lack of oxygen reaching the eyes. To avoid this, avoid going out in extreme heat, keep getting your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked and keep them balanced.

How to protect your eyes from heatwave

  • Always wear UV block sunglasses when outside the house, which protects the eyes from the harmful effects of UV rays. Choose sunglasses that can block up to 99% of UV rays.
  • Keep drinking adequate amount of water, so that the problem of dry eyes does not arise.
  • To maintain the moisture of your eyes, use lubricating eye drops as prescribed by the expert.
  • Keep taking breaks from the screen to reduce strain on your eyes.
  • Use cool compress to relieve eye fatigue and give it a cooling effect. For this, you can wrap ice cubes in a cloth and apply it on your eyes.
  • If you are forced to go out in strong heat, do not go out without an umbrella.
  • Go out in the sun wearing a wide-brimmed hat so that your head and eyes can be protected from the harsh effects of the sun.
