
Nutmeg present in the kitchen has been used as a spice in our kitchen for years. But this nutmeg is not only used to enhance the taste and aroma of food but it is also used as a medicine. Yes, in Ayurveda, nutmeg is considered very beneficial in many diseases. Nutmeg is also considered very effective in dangerous diseases like diabetes. Due to deteriorating lifestyle, sugar is gripping many people nowadays. Once diabetes occurs, it becomes very difficult to keep it under control. In such a situation, if you want, you can make nutmeg a part of your diet. Today we are going to tell you the right way to take it and the benefits of it.


Nutmeg helps in controlling blood sugar

It has been proved in many studies that the level of sugar in the blood can be controlled to a great extent with nutmeg. Regular consumption of nutmeg controls the blood sugar level. Actually, when the production of insulin in the pancreas decreases, the amount of sugar in the blood starts increasing. Nutmeg activates the cells of the pancreas, which increases the production of insulin. Apart from this, the consumption of nutmeg also improves digestion. Along with this, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are found in nutmeg, which also eradicates many other diseases from the root.


How to consume nutmeg

According to Ayurveda, nutmeg can be mixed with milk and consumed to control diabetes. For this, first of all, crush nutmeg well and make powder. Now mix it in milk and heat it till it boils. On cooking the milk well, the extract of nutmeg will mix in the milk. Now filter the milk and drink it hot. After drinking nutmeg milk at night continuously for about a week, you can see the effect in your blood sugar level. According to Ayurveda, nutmeg works like a panacea to keep sugar under control.


Nutmeg is also beneficial in other diseases

Along with diabetes, nutmeg also helps in curing many other diseases. Regular consumption of nutmeg keeps the digestive system healthy. Diseases like constipation and piles are also cured. It also provides relief from gas and indigestion. Apart from this, it also relieves the problem of obesity. If you have a problem of joint pain, then grind nutmeg and mix it in mustard oil and massage the joints by applying it, this will give a lot of relief.