
Head Banging In Kids: As children grow up, they learn many new things. There are many such activities of children which make parents worried. One such habit is of hitting the child's head. Sometimes out of anger and sometimes out of joy, children deliberately start hitting their heads on soft or hard surfaces.

Parents often get scared after seeing this behaviour, but there is no need to panic. However, as parents, it is natural to be afraid because this habit of banging the head can also cause head injury to the child. When a child does such a thing, many questions come to his mind that why do children do this?

Although, let us tell you that head bagging i.e. head banging is a very normal thing in children, but there can be many reasons behind it. Let us know?

to get relief

Kinesthetic drive is said to be the reason behind children's head-banging. This means that even when the baby is in the womb, there is constant movement in the womb, they find this movement very soothing, so when you shake them, they fall asleep quickly. Similarly, children also enjoy swinging or sliding.

because of sleep

Many children become irritable when they sleep, so they bang their heads to sleep or to give themselves rest. In fact, children who have the habit of swinging while sleeping feel pleasure from banging their head. That's why they do this.

because of anger

Anger can also be a reason behind a child hitting his head. Those children who have not yet learned to speak bang their heads more. In such a situation, they adopt this method to express their anger.

for antion

When children do not get attention, they start banging their heads or throwing tantrums. There is a need to pay more attention to children who do this because they may hurt themselves to get your attention.

developmental problem

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the habit of tucking the head is a symptom of children with autistic tendencies. They may also have other developmental problems.

At what age is this habit normal?

This habit is seen in babies from the age of 9 months, which goes away automatically by the time they are 4 years old. However, in 5 percent cases this habit is also seen in children up to 5 years of age. However, this habit is seen more in boys than in girls. Many researches have been done regarding this habit, in which it has been proved that by the age of 16, children may have the habit of banging their heads.

How to manage?

Whenever your child does hand banging, you can try some tips to manage this situation. As

- Make the child sleep next to you and make him sleep lovingly. This will make them feel as relaxed as banging their heads. While sleeping, keep in mind that wherever your child sleeps, keep only soft things around it so that even if he hits his head in his sleep, he does not get badly injured. Also check whether he is completely asleep or not.

Whenever the child starts banging his head, ignore him for some time. The child will stop doing this within a few minutes. However, keep an eye on the child, lest he injure himself by hitting his head too hard.

- Relax the child before sleeping. Massage him and press his head gently, he will feel better and go to sleep.
