
Guava Side Effects: Guava is a favorite fruit of many people in winters. Due to the rich nutrients present in it, it is considered very beneficial for health, but do you know that this delicious fruit can also be harmful for some people? Yes, one should avoid eating guava in some health related problems. Let us know who should avoid eating guava (Who Should Avoid Guava), otherwise health related problems can increase.


Guava can be harmful for these people

People suffering from stomach problems

Guava has a high fiber content which helps in keeping the digestive system healthy, but for those who already have stomach problems such as constipation, diarrhea or gas, consuming guava can be harmful. Eating guava can increase these problems.


Eczema patients

Some chemicals are found in guava which can cause skin irritation in some people. If you have any skin related problem like eczema then it is important to consult your doctor before consuming guava.


Pregnant and lactating women

Many changes occur in the body during pregnancy and some foods should be avoided during this time. Guava is also one of them. Consuming guava can cause stomach pain, vomiting and other problems in pregnant women. Breastfeeding women should also avoid eating guava as it can harm the baby.


cold and cough patient

Guava has a cold effect and it can increase problems like cold and cough. If you already have cold and cough then avoid eating guava.


Diabetes patients

Natural sugar is found in guava which can increase blood sugar levels. Therefore, diabetic patients are advised to avoid eating too much guava.