
Lifestyle Desk, New Delhi.  Small flax seeds are rich in many types of nutrients. Consuming them in small quantities every day can cure many health problems. Constipation is also becoming a big problem along with obesity, diabetes, hypertension among the diseases arising from unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Do not make the mistake of considering constipation a minor problem. If this problem persists for a long time, then it also increases the risk of diseases like piles and fissures. So get rid of it as soon as possible. 

Consuming flax seeds is very effective in relieving constipation problems. 

Nutrition present in flax seeds

Apart from fiber, flax seeds are rich in many nutrients like  protein , potassium, magnesium.

This is how real seeds work

The fiber present in flax seeds softens the stool. It acts as a natural laxative. The fiber present in it mixes with water and forms a gel and this does not allow the stool to become solid. 

How to include flax seeds in your diet

Eating flax seeds in small quantities every day has many benefits. It not only provides relief from constipation, but also removes problems like gas and acidity . The taste of flax seeds is such that it makes your food delicious. You can eat it as flour for making roti, as dressing on salad, by adding it on top of smoothie or juice. Apart from this, you can also include it in idli, sprouts. If you are not able to eat it raw, then its powder can also be used by roasting it. 

other ways

  • The best way is to dry roast it and eat one or two spoons of it by chewing it.
  • Apart from this, boiling flax seeds in water and drinking the water is also very beneficial.
