
You will be surprised to know that by doing certain yoga poses for constipation relief regularly, you can easily get rid of constipation. Yes, this problem that disrupts your daily routine can be easily cured through yoga. The 3 yoga poses mentioned in this article (yoga for digestive health) are not only beneficial in relieving constipation but are also very effective in getting rid of other stomach problems like gas, indigestion and bloating. Let's find out.


Have you ever noticed that our grandmothers used to work sitting on their knees? Actually, they were doing Malasana! Let us tell you, this is a very easy yoga asana which is very beneficial for our body. To do this asana, you just have to keep your feet flat on the floor, widen your knees and put your hands between your knees by joining them in a prayer pose. Malasana not only prevents constipation but also opens up your hips, improves digestive system and makes bowel movement easier. Doing Malasana regularly will strengthen your abdominal and pelvic muscles, reduce joint pain and you will be able to sit easily.


Dhanurasana (bow pose)

Dhanurasana is also very beneficial for making the body flexible and relieving constipation. To do this asana, first you have to lie down on your stomach and bend your knees, then lift your chest and thighs off the floor by holding your ankles with your hands. This asana stretches the abdominal muscles, massages the digestive organs and relieves constipation. Apart from this, Dhanurasana strengthens the muscles of the stomach, legs and back, makes the spine flexible and reduces stress.


Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is also very helpful in relieving constipation. There is no need to twist the body in any way in this asana, which makes it easy even for beginners. Bhujangasana not only relieves the problem of constipation but also helps in reducing other digestive problems like gas, abdominal bloating and indigestion. This asana strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves digestion. You can easily do this asana by lying on your stomach on the floor, placing your palms under the shoulders and keeping the pelvis (the part between the stomach and thighs) on the ground. By doing this asana regularly, you can get rid of the problem of constipation to a great extent.
