
Home Remedies: People who have the habit of wearing glasses all the time start seeing stains from glasses on their noses. At first, these marks are very light but with time they become darker and start shining separately. Especially when the glasses are removed and kept, these marks (Spectacle Marks) on both sides of the name look like spots. But, these marks are not permanent and if the right remedies are tried then they can be got rid of. Here some such easy remedies are being given, which can be used properly to get rid of the spots visible on the nose. 

Ways to remove glass marks from the nose 

Potato Paste - Potato is a vegetable that has natural bleaching properties. Be it potato paste or potato juice, it is effective in removing marks on the nose. To use it, grind the potatoes, add rose water to it, and apply this paste on the marks on the nose caused by spectacles for 15 minutes and then wash it. With daily use, the spots will start becoming lighter. Potato juice can also be mixed with lemon juice and applied to the nose. 

Aloe Vera Gel - The benefits of Aloe Vera Gel can also be seen in lightening the spots and blemishes. Apply aloe vera gel on these spots and leave it. If you want, you can rub aloe vera on your nose and sleep at night. If you remove the glasses and apply the gel, the effect becomes visible quickly. 

Lemon juice - To remove nose marks, grind mint and mix it with lemon juice, and make a paste. Apply this prepared paste on the spots of the nose for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off. The spots do not deepen and start becoming lighter. 

Orange peel – Dry the orange peel in the sun and prepare powder by grinding it. After this, make a paste by adding lemon juice to this orange peel powder and apply it on the nose and keep it for 20 to 25 minutes, and then wash it off. Apply this paste on the nose 3 to 4 times a week. 

Cucumber juice – Hydrating cucumber also has the effect of getting rid of these spots. This also gives soothing effects to the skin and the spots start becoming lighter. For this, apply cucumber juice on the spots with the help of cotton, and after keeping it for some time, wash it off. 

