Online trading platform Motilal Oswal has announced the results of the third quarter of the current financial year. The company informed in the exchange filing that its profits have declined. The company's net profit has come down from Rs 659.8 crore to Rs 564.5 crore.
In the company's board meeting, a decision has been taken to give dividend to the investors along with the quarterly results. The company said in the exchange filing that investors will be given a dividend of Rs 5 per share.
The company said in an exchange filing that "an interim dividend of Rs 5 per share has been declared on the equity shares of the company for the financial year 2024-25. This dividend has been given on the basis of face value of Rs 1 per share."
According to BSE data, till now the company has announced dividend for its investors 28 times. On 06 February 2024, the company had announced a dividend of Rs 14. This was the highest dividend given by the company.