Varanasi. (Varanasi Lok Sabha Result) Police Commissioner Mohit Agarwal and District Magistrate S. Rajlingam inspected the strong room and counting place located at Pahariya Mandi on Sunday evening. They saw the arrangements made as per the strategy prepared earlier for security, parking, entry to the counting place etc.
It was ensured that CPMF (paramilitary force), PAC and civil police will maintain a three-tier security cover. 20 gazetted officers will oversee the arrangements.
The Police Commissioner and DM informed that videography of every point at the counting place will be done. No one will be able to take out a victory procession. It was informed that the arrangement of CCTV cameras in the strong room and the arrangements made in the guard room were inspected. Information was taken about power supply, fire safety measures and maintenance of registers kept in the strong room. It was informed that 200 paramilitary personnel, 100 PAC personnel and 1000 policemen will be deployed.
Such arrangements will be made in Pahadia Mandi
- Employees and media persons deployed on counting duty will enter from Gate No. 01.
- Candidates, polling agents and election agents will enter from gate number 03.
- Parking arrangement will be available 200 meters away from the counting place.
- Mobile phones (even for polling agents) will be prohibited at the counting venue.
- Each person will be allowed entry only after checking with the door frame metal detector.
- Entry to the counting place without pass/duty card will be prohibited.
- Flammable substances and weapons including lighters and matches etc. will be prohibited.