
New Delhi: Renowned businessman Gautam Adani on Monday said his ports-to-energy conglomerate is stronger than ever and the best is yet to come, citing record earnings, strong liquidity position and lowest ever debt ratio.

India is moving towards 10 trillion dollar economy

Adani said that India is moving towards becoming a $10 trillion economy by 2032 and infrastructure is expected to grow at a rate of 20-25 percent to reach $2.5 trillion. In such a situation, the group, being an infrastructure company, is well positioned to take advantage of this upcoming opportunity.

He said, "We had to face baseless allegations from a foreign investment and 'short seller' company. Our decades of hard work was questioned in the report. Our integrity and credibility were put in the dock. But we fought bravely and proved that no challenge can weaken the foundation on which your group is established."

Generally, the aim of a short seller is to gain profit from the market, but this was something different. This was a two-pronged attack. On one hand, we were criticised for our financial condition, on the other hand, a campaign was launched to tarnish the image of the group and we were dragged into a political battle.

gautam adani


Outlining the strategy, he said the group has raised Rs 40,000 crore to pay debt for the next two years, pre-paid Rs 17,500 crore of margin-linked financing, reduced debt and started focusing better on the business.
