A shocking case of theft of jewellery worth Rs 50 lakh has come to light in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The thief broke into the house of former minister and former Odisha Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) president Niranjan Patnaik and stole the precious jewellery. This incident happened on Sunday morning, Republic Day.
Police have not been able to identify the thief yet
According to the information, the thief targeted the cupboard in the house, which contained jewellery worth about Rs 50 lakh. The house was completely empty at the time of the incident. At present, the police is investigating the case, but the thief has not been identified yet.
Questions arising on law and order
This incident is raising serious questions on law and order. Police say that every possible effort is being made to catch the thief and recover the stolen goods. Police has got CCTV footage of the theft incident. In this footage, the thief comfortably enters the room, opens the cupboard and escapes after stealing jewellery worth lakhs.
Police is investigating the CCTV footage outside the house
Police say that soon the accused thief will be identified and arrested. Police is also investigating the CCTV footage installed outside the former minister's house. Police is trying to find out in which direction the accused person went after committing the theft.