A case of crime has come to light from Karnataka's capital Bengaluru which will send chills down your spine. A 6-year-old minor girl was raped in Bengaluru's RM Nagar PS area. And the sad part is that after the rape, the minor girl was brutally murdered. The police took action in this case and arrested the accused of rape and murder.
The accused works as a daily wage labourer
According to the information given by the police, a 6-year-old girl has been raped and murdered in Bengaluru. The police have arrested the culprit. According to the information, the accused works as a daily wage laborer and is a resident of Bihar. The police said on Tuesday that this incident took place in Hoysala Nagar of the city.
Deputy Commissioner of Police, East Division, Bengaluru City has given information about this incident. He said - "A 6-year-old girl was sexually assaulted and murdered under RM Nagar PS limits by a laborer named Abhishek Kumar of Bihar. The accused has been arrested."
Information about the incident that surfaced
According to PTI, the police have said that the victim's parents had gone somewhere. During this time, the accused lured the girl to a deserted place and committed this heinous act. The accused raped the girl and later the girl died. When people came to know about this incident, they caught the accused and beat him up badly. After this, the accused was handed over to the police. According to the information, the police have registered a case against the accused under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act and relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code.