
New Delhi. You may soon see a bus with 132 seats in the country. For the convenience of passengers, there will be air hostesses in the bus like in a flight. Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari has mentioned the pilot project.

Work on pilot project going on in Nagpur

In an interview to a private TV channel, Gadkari said that work is going on on a pilot project in Nagpur. The pilot project includes a 132-seater bus. The seats of the bus will be like those in a flight. Also, food will be provided in it like in a flight. Apart from this, the facility of a bus hostess will also be provided. This bus will run on non-polluting sources of energy. Its ride will be cheaper than other buses.

Work going on with Tata

Gadkari also said that work is going on with Tata on the pilot project. He said that when I went to Czech Republic, a trolley bus was made by joining three buses there. In our project, the bus will have 132 seats. This bus will travel 49 km on the ring road. After 40 km, the bus will stop at the stop and then it will be recharged in 40 seconds to travel the next 40 km. The cost of the journey will be 35-40 rupees per km

What will be there in the bus?

Gadkari said, 'I have suggested that the bus should have air conditioning, comfortable chairs and space to keep laptops in front of the seats. It should also have the facility of bus hostess who gives fruits, packed food and beverages to the passengers.'
