New Delhi. Budhwar Ke Upay: Lord Ganesha is worshipped first in auspicious and mangal works. Wednesday is dedicated to Ganpati Bappa. On this day, there is a ritual of special worship of the Lord. Along with this, a fast is also kept to destroy all the obstacles in life. It is believed that worshipping with a true heart leads to success in auspicious works. Along with this, income and good fortune increase. According to astrology, donating some things after worship on Wednesday proves beneficial for the native. This pleases Lord Ganesha. Let us know what things should be donated on Wednesday?
Donate these things
- Donating on any special occasion has special importance in Sanatan Dharma. To get success in career, donate moong dal and bangles to married women. It is a religious belief that by doing this work, the person will get the desired career and new paths of success will open.
- Apart from this, feed fodder to cow on Wednesday. It is believed that feeding fodder to cow brings blessings of gods and goddesses and relieves one from the pain of planetary defects.
- If you are facing any obstacle in your work, then donate curd on Wednesday. This will bring you success in all your works.
- Apart from this, food items should be donated to animals and birds on Wednesday. It is believed that doing so brings happiness and peace in the house.
By chanting the following mantras during the worship of Ganpati Bappa, all the wishes of the person are fulfilled and happiness comes into life.
Mantra for achieving success
Śrī Vakratuṇḍa, the great body of the sun, whose radiance is equal to the crown of the sun, may you always accomplish all my works without hindrance.
Ganesh Mantra for auspiciousness
Ganapati is the king of obstacles and has a long beak and Gajanana.
Heramba, the lord of the hosts, had two mothers and one tooth.
Your son Vinayaka is a beautiful ear and a herdsman.
One who rises in the morning and chants these twelve names of the Lord
The universe will be under his control, and there will be no obstacles in any way.