
Washington :  The presidential election in America is getting interesting. Democratic Party candidate Kamala Harris and Republican Party's Donald Trump are fiercely attacking each other. Meanwhile, former President Barack Obama has made a big statement about Donald Trump.

Actually, the four-day National Convention of the Democratic Party is going on in Chicago, America. Former US President Obama and his wife Michelle Obama gave speeches while participating in it. In this, the Obama couple united the country in favor of Kamala Harris's candidacy.

Obama Criticizes Donald Trump

Barack Obama, while giving a speech at the event, said that Chicago is his home and it feels good to be home. Attacking Donald Trump, Obama said, "He is a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped crying about his problems since he stepped down from his golden elevator nine years ago. Trump constantly complains, spouts conspiracy theories and complains because he is afraid of losing to Kamala."

Trump compared to neighbour.

Obama further said, "Someone compared Trump to a neighbour who keeps a leaf blower running outside your window. For a neighbor, that's exhausting, for a president, it's dangerous."

Accused of doing divisive politics

Former President Barack Obama accused Trump of doing divisive politics. He said America does not need four more years of chaos.

Trump wants the country divided between 'us' and 'them'

"Trump wants us to think this country is divided between 'us' and 'them.' It's the oldest trick in politics. His work is outdated. We don't need four more years of chaos because we've seen this before and we know his next term will be worse than the last," he said.

At the same time, Michelle Obama also targeted Trump in her address and accused him of divisive rhetoric and policies.
