
Cases of death due to heart attack are increasing rapidly. News of death due to heart attack at a young age is constantly coming in the news. Many celebs have also lost their lives due to this. Due to wrong eating habits, the level of cholesterol in your body can increase, which can cause heart attacks. These days people are also losing their lives due to silent heart attacks. In such a situation, know here what is the cause of a silent heart attack and what symptoms appear before a heart attack.

What causes a silent heart attack?

Coronary artery problems usually cause silent heart attacks. Cholesterol-rich plaque builds up in your coronary arteries, limiting how much blood can reach your heart muscle. When a blood clot forms on the plaque, it can prevent oxygen-rich blood from getting through. Immediate treatment is needed to restore blood flow, otherwise, the heart muscle can die.

These symptoms can be felt a month before a heart attack

  1. Chest pain - One study included 242 people who had had a heart attack. Of those 242 people, 100 experienced all of these warning signs. Chest pain was the most common symptom in this study, with 68% of people experiencing it before a heart attack.
  2.  Heaviness in the chest - The same study found that 44% of people who already felt symptoms of a heart attack also had symptoms of heaviness, tightness, or pressure in the chest. Reports say these symptoms are common in people who are about to have a heart attack.
  3. Heart palpitations - Reports suggest that 42% of people with early heart attack symptoms had an increased heart rate. This is when your heart is pumping too fast or too forcefully.
  4. Difficulty breathing- Shortness of breath is often a sign of cardiovascular disease. This can happen while walking or doing any physical work. Sometimes even while resting, you may feel as if your lungs are not getting enough air.
  5. Fatigue- You may feel very tired from time to time, but feeling excessively tired can be a sign of a serious problem. If you experience constant fatigue, seek expert advice.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods, and claims mentioned in this article should be taken only as suggestions. Consult a doctor or expert before following any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion.
