Hair Care Tips: Whenever you see someone's thick and long hair, the thought comes to your mind that you wish your hair was like that. People try many remedies for thick hair, and even use many expensive products, but these do not make any difference. That is why today we are telling you a method by which your hair will get adequate nutrition and will grow faster. Let us tell you how to use aloe vera in it.
Much better oil for hair
If your hair is not thick and the growth is also very low then you can use soybean oil. Compared to other types of oils, soybean oil is very good for hair. Many experts also consider it much better for hair. However, you should know how and when to apply the oil.
You get many types of vitamins in soybean oil, Vitamin E is found the most in it. Which is best for nourishing the hair. This can cure all the problems related to your hair, that is, hair growth will not only increase, but you will also get relief from hair fall and breakage.
use it like this
Now let us tell you how to apply it to hair. For correct and better results, mix aloe vera in soybean oil. Now after mixing it well, massage the hair scalp. Apply it on the hair in this manner three times a week, after which you will see that the hair is becoming beautiful and growth will also start appearing.
Apart from aloe vera, you can also mix soybean oil with chia seeds. For this, you will have to boil chia seeds. After this, after it cools down, its jelly will have to be mixed well in oil. In this way, you can take care of the health of your hair.