
New Delhi:  From women to men, everyone is facing the problem of fertility these days. Many studies have also confirmed this. A Lancet study has shown that many people around the world are facing this problem today. Although women's reproductive health is talked about openly, people rarely talk about topics like male infertility. Male infertility includes many types of problems such as low sperm count, poor sperm motility, abnormal morphology, lack of sperm, hormonal imbalance, genetic problems, blockage etc. 

Fertility is affected due to many reasons like unhealthy lifestyle, eating habits, sleep pattern, too much stress. Apart from this, many types of diseases also prevent one from fulfilling the dream of becoming parents. Regarding this, we  spoke to Dr. Rashmi Agarwal, Fertility Expert, Nova IVF Fertility, Gurgaon , who told many important things. Along with this, she also gave some suggestions, following which men can improve reproductive health. 

distance from the phone

A recent study found that the Wi-Fi signal of a mobile phone kept in the pant pocket also affects the motility and quality of sperm. Along with this, the blue light of the smartphone interferes with the body's ability to produce melatonin naturally. Melatonin protects sperm from oxidative stress, which is a major reason for reduced sperm production. In such a situation, avoid keeping the mobile phone in the pant pocket.

Take care of cleanliness

To prevent diseases and infections, special attention should be paid to cleanliness, such as washing your hands after using the bathroom, keeping the genital area clean, and wearing undergarments and bottoms made of breathable fabric.

Balance Diet

Junk and processed food are not at all beneficial for health. Along with diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, they also harm reproductive health. Include eggs, berries, walnuts and as many fruits and vegetables as possible in your diet. These contain nutrients like protein, antioxidants, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, which keep the body fit and also increase fertility. 

Light exercises

A little exercise keeps you overall fit. If you are very busy, then a brisk walk of 30 minutes is enough to reduce the risk of many diseases and also to increase fertility. Also note that too much exercise and muscle building workouts can also reduce the quality of sperm. 

Avoid getting intoxicated

Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption can reduce the quality of sperm and increase the risk of infertility. Drinking alcohol daily can lower testosterone levels, which can reduce sperm production. On the other hand, smoking also reduces sperm motility. 

