
New Delhi : High blood pressure or hypertension causes many diseases like heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney diseases, etc. Therefore, a healthy body needs to keep blood pressure balanced. Usually, people reduce blood pressure by following a DASH diet, a low sodium diet, and staying away from processed food, but for this, an active lifestyle and routine exercise are very important.

According to the American Heart Association, one should do about 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. In such a situation, aerobic exercise can easily reduce blood pressure. Exercises that can be done without moving your muscles, such as isometric exercises, reduce blood pressure. Wall squats are one form of these.

How to do wall squats

Stand with your back against the wall. Then, move your legs forward about 18 inches and sit in a chair-shaped position. Keep your thighs parallel to the ground. Keep your stomach muscles tight, and inhale and exhale deeply through your nose. Do this for 20 to 60 seconds. Then, stand with your back against the wall. Rest for 30 to 60 seconds, and then repeat this process again.

Apart from this, you can also do cardio and strength training in your daily routine, which strengthens the heart and also pumps blood well. This will enable the heart to pump more blood with less effort, and blood pressure will remain balanced. Some examples of such exercises are as follows-

Aerobic Class- If any Zumba, Aqua Aerobic or Fitness class is going on near your house, then definitely join it.

  • Cycling – Cycling is also great cardio, increasing the heart rate, pumping more oxygen, and balancing blood pressure.
  • Swimming – You can reduce blood pressure by starting with freestyle swimming under the guidance of a trainer and then doing aqua jogging with experience.
  • Running and jogging – Start with short distances and low speeds, and then aim for faster speeds and longer distances.
  • Brisk Walk – Brisk walking also increases the breathing and heart rates and balances the blood pressure.
