
New Delhi. Walking is a very easy and effective exercise, which has many benefits. Walking reduces weight, balances blood pressure, boosts metabolism, improves digestion, refreshes moods, and removes anxiety. However, not walking correctly can also have disadvantages. Walking also has its rules, so its maximum benefits can be taken advantage of properly. Let's know the right way to walk-

Keep these things in mind while walking-

  • Walking for 30 minutes a day, at least five days a week, is beneficial to lose weight.
  • Whatever your purpose of walking is, if you are not wearing the proper footwear and comfortable clothes, then such a walk can cause harm instead of benefit. Not wearing comfortable walking shoes can cause pain in the feet, blisters or excessive pressure on the toes, which will cause discomfort while walking.
  • Walk in a safe place where there is no fear of animals, and there is an open sky and natural environment so that with a relaxed mind you will treat your walk like a game and enjoy it, instead of considering it as work. Also, walking in nature has its own unlimited benefits, which cannot be denied.
  • Pay attention to your body posture while walking. During this, tighten your abdominal muscles and glutes and walk straight forward, so that your posture remains straight. Never walk by bending forward.
  • Do power walking at some intervals. First, do a regular walk for about ten minutes, then change your walk to a brisk walk for 10 to 15 seconds and walk fast. Then, come back to your regular walk. This burns more calories.
  • Climbing stairs or walking uphill burns more calories and helps people lose weight faster.
