
New Delhi. Habits which can cause Fatty Liver:  Fatty liver is a problem which is quite common among the youth. In this liver related problem, fat gets accumulated in the liver. Due to this, liver function gets affected and if not treated on time, liver cirrhosis and liver scarring can also occur. Therefore, it is important that we pay attention to those habits which can cause fatty liver. In this article, we will learn about those habits.

Unhealthy food- Processed foods, junk food, excess sugar and unhealthy fats cause a lot of damage to the liver. These foods accumulate fat in the liver, which increases the risk of fatty liver. Therefore, if you eat a lot of chips, pizza, bacon, etc., then reduce eating them. Include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, yogurt, lean protein, etc. in their place. Eat healthy things for snacking as well, such as oats, popcorn, peanuts, etc.

Lazy life- Nowadays most people live a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting in one place for a long time, not exercising, sitting at home, all these are examples of a lazy life. These can also cause damage to the liver. So try to stay active . Exercise, use walking or cycling for commuting, use stairs instead of lift, etc.

Obesity- Fatty liver can also occur due to being overweight or having excess fat around the stomach. Due to this, inflammation increases and fat starts accumulating in the liver. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a healthy weight. Therefore, try to maintain a healthy weight. For this, improvement in diet and exercise are necessary.

Drinking alcohol- Alcohol is the biggest enemy of the liver. Due to drinking alcohol, fat starts accumulating in the liver, which can lead to fatty liver and even liver cancer. Therefore, do not drink alcohol at all.

Eating too much sweets- Sugar can cause a lot of damage to your liver. Therefore, eating foods high in sugar increases the risk of fatty liver. Therefore, if you eat and drink too much chocolate, pastries, cakes, cold drinks, etc., then you should stop eating those foods and focus on eating healthy.

Irregular eating time- Many people do not eat food at the same time. Sometimes they stay hungry for hours, and sometimes they eat food at short intervals. Doing this damages the liver. Due to not eating for a long time, you start overeating later. Therefore, to take care of your health, you should choose the right time to eat.
