
New Delhi: When there is any kind of problem in the body, our body keeps warning us in many ways and we either ignore them due to carelessness or considering them to be minor problems. Which later takes a serious form. Then it takes a long time to treat them and to recover. Unnecessary weight loss, shortness of breath, frequent infections, all these are such problems, which do not make the mistake of ignoring.  

Unexplained weight loss

If you are not making any effort to lose weight, but still your weight loss is happening rapidly, then this can also be a symptom of a serious disease like diabetes, thyroid disorder or cancer. Apart from this, weight loss also occurs due to stress disorder, anorexia, bulimia and many behavior related problems. If this happens, consult a doctor immediately without delay. So that he can find out the reasons for this and start its treatment in time.

Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

If you have trouble breathing or feel breathless even with light work, then this can also be a sign of a serious problem. Having such a problem in a particular season can be asthma. Similarly, breathing problems can also occur due to pollution or pigeon droppings and some fungal infections. Heart attack or heart failure, valve disorder sometimes increases the risk of problems like cardiac asthma. In such a situation, contact a doctor immediately. Breathing problems can be detected with a simple X-ray.

frequent infections

If problems like frequent infections, slow healing of wounds, sore throat and cough along with weight loss often bother you, then these indicate weak immunity. Lack of nutrition in the body and anemia can weaken immunity. Apart from this, HIV is also a major reason for this. In such a situation, get treatment immediately without being careless.


Not being able to sleep properly at night can also be a symptom of a serious problem. Sleeping less than normal not only makes the mood irritable, but it also increases the risk of heart problems and the skin starts to look dull. If the reason for sleeplessness is stress, then focus on ways to manage it. Meet an expert or else it can also cause depression. 
