
New Delhi. To stay healthy, it is important to keep cholesterol levels under control. There are two types of cholesterol, which are called HDL i.e. good cholesterol and LDL i.e. bad cholesterol. To stay healthy, it is important to have a high amount of good cholesterol in the body. LDL is called low density lipoprotein, because it increases the chances of heart related diseases. Taking a diet rich in saturated fat can increase LDL, so their consumption should be avoided.

Consuming unsaturated fat increases the amount of HDL, so we should keep our diet such that the amount of HDL increases. Taking whole grains, pulses and plant-based diet increases HDL. Green vegetables come first in the plant-based diet. Eating green vegetables will reduce bad cholesterol and this will also avert the risk of stroke or heart attack. When the artery supplying blood to the brain gets blocked, due to which the brain does not get enough oxygen, it is called stroke. It can be easily improved with proper diet and healthy lifestyle. So let's know how green superfoods will be useful in reducing the risk of strokeRich in minerals and vitamins, kale is also called the Queen of Greens. Consumption of kale, which is rich in omega three fatty acids, vitamin A, K, iron, fiber and many anti-oxidants, reduces the amount of triglyceride and LDL, which also reduces the risk of stroke.


It contains soluble fiber, calcium, vitamins and other minerals, which reduce the risk of stroke by increasing the amount of LDL.


It contains a compound called anthocyanin, which is believed to be helpful in lowering blood pressure. It also reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Brussel sprouts

It helps dissolve blood clots, reducing the risk of stroke.
