
Ultra processed foods like chips, chocolates, jams, jellies, biscuits, cookies, salty packaged snacks etc. prove to be harmful for health in every way. This affects cardiovascular health, digestive system and even mental health. These also cause many metabolic disorders.

Some people avoid it due to awareness, but those marketing ultra-processed food put such labels on their food that even an aware person gets confused. They claim their packaged and unhealthy foods to be full of lots of vitamins and nutrition. Due to this, people make the mistake of eating it thinking it to be healthy. Let's know about some such healthy looking ultra-processed foods-


Breakfast Cereal

After reading the packets of sugar-laden cereals like packaged cornflakes, chocolate puffs, choco pudding, muesli etc., anyone would like to start the day with these. These claim to give a morning full of nutrition and energy, but the hidden sugar, additives and preservatives in them do not make them healthy at all.



Processed cheese

While cheese is considered a great source of calcium, choosing processed cheese is not a healthy choice. People eat processed cheese in greed for calcium and are sure that they have taken a healthy diet, but the truth is that processed cheese is full of emulsifiers, which are harmful for health. So eat cheddar or feta cheese and say goodbye to processed cheese.



Flavored Yogurt

Nowadays, yogurt is available in many flavors in small cans at affordable prices, which is called flavored yogurt. Yogurt is considered to be one of the healthiest foods, so a large number of people consume it. But the truth is that these flavored yogurts are full of artificial additives, thickeners, sweeteners and flavors, which directly spike the sugar. Eat plain fresh yogurt instead.



Processed Meats

The plastic-wrapped packaged processed meats available in supermarkets do guarantee that they are fresh and healthy, but in reality, they are well-processed meats with emulsifiers, starch, thickeners and fiber added to them. By consuming them, less protein and harmful chemicals definitely enter the body. Therefore, consume only freshly cut meat.
