
New Delhi.  World Food Safety Day is a global campaign aimed at making people aware of bad food and the problems caused by it. According to the World Health Organization, about 16 lakh people fall ill every day due to bad food, while about 340 children under the age of 5 lose their lives every day due to poor-quality food, which is a matter of concern. In view of this, the need to celebrate World Food Day was felt.

History of World Food Safety Day 2023

The United Nations General Assembly decided to celebrate Food Safety Day on 20 December 2018 and the date of 7 June was fixed for this. Food Safety Day was celebrated for the first time in the year 2019. 

The theme of World Food Safety Day 2024

Every year the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sets a theme under which World Food Safety Day is celebrated. The theme of World Food Safety Day 2024 is 'Safe food, better health'.

The objective of World Food Safety Day 2023

There is a risk of many health related diseases due to contaminated food . On the day of World Food Safety Day, various programs are organized and through this an effort is made to tell people about these dangers. The special purpose of celebrating this day is to provide nutritious and balanced food to every person . Apart from this, awareness is created about checking adulterated things etc.

World Food Safety Day 2023 Significance

Typhoid is a very serious disease, which is caused by contaminated food and water. Children are the most affected by it. However, those people are also at a higher risk of this disease, who do not think twice before eating open food outside. The problem of typhoid is very common in summers. 
