
During winters, the veins of the body start shrinking, which affects blood circulation. In such a situation, the risk of brain stroke increases, especially for those who are already suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity or any heart-related disease. Actually, due to the drop in temperature in winter, it becomes difficult to maintain body heat. Due to which the blood starts thickening. This causes problems in blood flow and becomes the cause of brain stroke.


If you want to protect yourself from this, you can reduce the risk by making some changes in your lifestyle. Exercise regularly, eat nutritious food. Getting enough sleep can also help prevent brain stroke.


What are the symptoms of a brain stroke

  • Sudden weakness in the face, arms, and legs
  • Difficulty speaking
  • to understand something late
  • invisible to the eyes
  • sudden severe headache

They are at a higher risk of brain stroke

  • Senior Citizens
  • For patients of diabetes
  • to the smokers
  • For heart patients
  • Patients with high BP
  • family history of brain stroke

Make these changes to avoid brain stroke


Stay away from cigarettes: People who have the habit of smoking, blood is not able to circulate properly in their brain. This increases the risk of brain stroke. To prevent this, it is wise to quit smoking immediately.


Maintain weight: To reduce the risk of stroke, it is important to maintain weight. Obesity is a risk factor for stroke. Being overweight increases the risk of many diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes. Due to which the chances of stroke increase.


Do not take stress: If you are always stressed then it is not free from danger for you. Because stress increases the blood pressure. Which causes stroke. To relieve stress, do meditation, exercise and yoga.


Take a healthy diet: Taking a healthy diet is also important to avoid stroke. Make flaxseed, walnuts and soybean a part of your diet. These things contain healthy fats which help in controlling cholesterol. Minimize the intake of sugar. Increase the amount of fresh fruits, green vegetables and whole grains in your diet.