Alcohol is a thief of both health and pocket! It not only hollows out the body from inside, but also empties your pocket. Be it literature and cinema or our daily life, you will get to hear many examples related to the harm of alcohol (Alcohol Effect On Brain). You must have seen yourself how people lose their balance under the influence of alcohol, forget what happened a while ago and often start laughing or crying without any reason. In such a situation, do you know what kind of effect it has on brain health and how a person gets addicted to it? Let's find out.

What is alcohol?
Alcohol is an addictive substance that can be harmful and addictive if consumed in excessive amounts. When we talk about alcohol, we usually mean ethyl alcohol found in beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages. These beverages make a person intoxicated after entering our body.
How is wine made?
When we drink alcohol, we are actually drinking a special kind of sugar, which is called alcohol. The real name of this alcohol is ethanol. This ethanol is made from many things, such as grains, fruits and vegetables. These things already contain a kind of sweet substance, which is called sugar. This sugar is mixed with yeast, after which this yeast eats this sugar and in return makes alcohol.

What effect does alcohol have on the brain?
When we drink alcohol, it contains a special substance called ethanol. It is a very small particle that dissolves very easily in our body, just like sugar dissolves in water. Since most of our body is made up of water, this ethanol reaches every part of our body, especially our brain. After reaching the brain, this ethanol affects those parts of our brain that help us think, remember and work properly. Because of this, we are unable to remember things, we talk strangely and sometimes we do not remember anything about what we did. This is called alcohol blackout.

How does one get addicted to alcohol?
Often people wonder that if alcohol is so bad then why do we drink it? The answer lies in our brain. There is a special kind of chemical in our brain called dopamine. When we do something good or something that gives us pleasure, this dopamine increases. This is the reason why we feel good and we want to do the same again.
Alcohol also increases dopamine in our brain. When we drink alcohol, we feel very good, stress reduces and we feel happy. But this happiness does not last long. When the effect of alcohol wears off, we again start feeling as bad as we used to. That is why we want to drink alcohol again so that we can feel good. Gradually it becomes a habit and we get addicted to alcohol. It becomes difficult for us to break this addiction with our willpower.