Congo fever is a serious disease caused by the Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) virus. This virus spreads mainly through ticks and other insects. Recently a 51-year-old man died of this fever in Gujarat.
In such a situation, the health department has also become alert. Health experts have now advised to take precautions to avoid this fever. Now since no official medicine has been launched for this fever yet, it is important that you protect yourself from this fever. Today we will tell you the symptoms of Congo fever and ways to prevent it.
Symptoms of fever
1. Fever: The most common symptom of Congo fever is fever, which can increase suddenly and rapidly. If you suddenly get fever and it does not go away for several days, then it can be a symptom of Congo fever.
2. Headache: Headache is a common symptom of Congo fever, which is often severe. Headache all over the head is not a common symptom. This may be a case related to Congo fever. If your headache is not getting cured even after taking medicine, then go to the doctor immediately.
3. Muscle pain: Muscle pain is a common symptom of Congo fever, which often spreads throughout the body. Along with this, vomiting and diarrhea can be symptoms of Congo fever, which are often severe. At the same time, stomach pain is a common symptom of Congo fever, which is often severe. At the same time, vomiting blood is considered a serious symptom of Congo fever. At the same time, rashes also start appearing on the skin.
There are precautions you can take
1. Avoid ticks and other insects: To avoid ticks and other insects, you can cover your body completely, especially when you are in the woods or open areas.
2. Use insecticides: By using insecticides or by fumigating the house with these insecticides, you can keep ticks and other insects away from your body.
3. Maintain hygiene: By maintaining hygiene you can prevent the spread of Congo fever virus. If you notice symptoms of Congo fever, seek medical help immediately.