
The month of Margashirsha is known as the month of Agahan. The Panchami date of Shukla Paksha of this month is considered very good for special worship of Lord Shri Ram and Mother Sita, because Vivah Panchami is celebrated on this day. It is a religious belief that by worshiping on this day, the person gets success in life and happiness comes in married life. Do you know why the festival of Vivah Panchami (Kab Hai Vivah Panchami 2024) is celebrated every year in the month of Margashirsha? If you do not know, then let us know in this article about the reason for celebrating this festival.


Vivah Panchami 2024 auspicious time (Vivah Panchami 2024 Shubh Muhurat)

According to the Panchang, the Panchami Tithi of Shukla Paksha of Margashirsha month will start on 05 December at 12:49 pm and will end on the next day i.e. 06 December at 12:07 pm. Udaya Tithi is considered in Sanatan Dharma. In such a situation, Vivah Panchami will be celebrated on 06 December (Vivah Panchami Kab Hai). On this day, the wedding anniversary of Lord Shri Ram and Mother Sita is celebrated.


This is the reason for celebrating Vivah Panchami

In Sanatan Dharma, the pair of Lord Shri Ram and Mata Sita is seen as an ideal married couple. It is a religious belief that in Treta Yuga, Ram ji and Mata Sita got married on the fifth day of Shukla Paksha (Vivah Panchami Significance) of Margashirsha month. For this reason, every year this date is celebrated with great enthusiasm as their wedding anniversary. People worship on this day to increase happiness and prosperity. Also, they donate food and money to temples or poor people. It is believed that by donating, the person never faces any shortage of anything in life.


Brahma Muhurta - from 05:12 am to 06:06 am


Vijay Muhurat - from 01:56 pm to 02:38 pm


Twilight time - from 05:21 pm to 05:49 pm


Amrit Kaal - from 06:38 am to 08:12 am


Do chant this mantra during worship

Shri Ram meditation mantra -


Om Aapdamap Hartaram Dataram Sarva Sampadam,


Lokabhiram Shri Ram Bhuyo Bhuyo Naamamyham!


Shri Ramay Rambhadray Ramchandraya Vedhse Raghunathaya Nathay Sitaya Pataye Namah!