
Vaishakh Amavasya 2024: Vaishakh Amavasya will be celebrated on 8th May. Vaishakh Amavasya has been given special significance in Sanatan Dharma. It is said that Treta Yuga started in this month. The new moon falling in the month of Vaishakh is called Vaishakh Amavasya. On Vaishakh Amavasya, painful defects like Kaalsarp present in the horoscope can be easily removed. On Vaishakh Amavasya, charity, bathing and offering to ancestors is considered extremely auspicious. Let us tell you the auspicious time and story of Vaishakh Amavasya.

Importance of Vaishakh Amavasya: 
The tradition of bathing and donating on the day of Vaishakh Amavasya has been going on for centuries. On this day, performing tarpan or rituals for the peace of ancestors' souls brings a lot of virtue. If you wish, you can spread sesame seeds in flowing water on the day of Vaishakh Amavasya. This brings happiness, prosperity and positivity in life.

It is very encouraging to offer Arghya to Sun God on the day of Vaishakh Amavasya. After bathing and worshipping, donating as per one's capacity is also considered very fruitful. Kaalsarp Dosh in the horoscope can also be removed by some simple measures on Vaishakh Amavasya. It is also auspicious to offer water to the Peepal tree after proper worship on this day.

Tithi and auspicious time of bathing and donation:
This year, Vaishakh Amavasya Tithi will start on 7th May at 11.41 am and will end on the next day i.e. 8th May at 8.52 am. However, Vaishakh Amavasya is valid only on 8th May. On this day, bathing on Amavasya Tithi can be done in Brahma Muhurta from 4.10 am to 4.52 am. Whereas it will be auspicious to do charitable work from 5.34 am to 7.15 am during Profit Choghadiya.

Mythological story:
A story related to the importance of Vaishakh Amavasya is found in mythological texts. In ancient times there was a Brahmin named Dharmavarna. He was a very religious person and respected sages. Once he heard from a Mahatma that in Kaliyuga, there is no work more virtuous than remembering the name of Lord Vishnu. Dharamvarna imbibed this and left worldly life and took sannyasa and started travelling.

One day while wandering he reached Pitru Loka. There the ancestors of Dharmavarna were in great distress. The ancestors told him that his condition was due to his renunciation. Because now there is no one left to perform Pind Daan for them. If you go back and start a family life and have children, you can get relief. Also, perform Pind Daan as per the rituals on the day of Vaishakh Amavasya. Dharmavarna promised them that he would definitely fulfil their expectations. After this, the Dharmavarna left the life of a monk and again adopted the worldly life and by performing Pind Daan as per the rituals on Vaishakh Amavasya, he liberated his ancestors.
