
Milk and turmeric are a great superfood in themselves. Milk is considered very important for bones and turmeric is important for immunity. Turmeric milk has been considered very beneficial in Ayurveda for centuries. It is called golden milk because of its benefits.


Usually turmeric milk is drunk to get relief from any kind of pain or wound, but it also provides many other benefits to the body. It strengthens the immune system and reduces inflammation. Drinking turmeric milk at night before sleeping helps in getting good sleep. Turmeric is considered very beneficial for the skin, but do you know that turmeric milk full of so many benefits can also be a loss deal for some people.


Disadvantages of turmeric milk

In certain conditions, turmeric milk can harm health instead of benefiting it. If you are not aware of these, you may have to face consequences. The side effects of turmeric milk can affect different systems of the body in different ways, which is important to identify. In this article, we will tell you some such disadvantages of turmeric milk-


lactose intolerant

This golden milk is of no use to those who cannot digest the lactose present in milk. Drinking it can cause harm to them instead of benefit. It can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, lactose intolerant people should avoid turmeric milk.


allergic reaction

Some people may experience skin itching, rashes or breathing problems after drinking turmeric milk. This happens due to allergic reaction. Therefore, such people should not drink milk.


Disturbances in the digestive system

Excessive amount of turmeric can disturb the digestive system. Excessive amount of curcumin present in turmeric can promote stomach related problems, which can cause problems like gas, bloating, diarrhea etc.


Reaction to medication

Curcumin present in turmeric interferes with the blood clotting process and hence can thin the blood. Therefore, consult your doctor before drinking turmeric milk along with anti-coagulant medicines.


Problems with additives and colors

Nowadays, in this era of adulteration, turmeric is mixed with artificial colours and additives, which cause a lot of harm to health instead of benefits.