
No one likes excessive heat and sweating. Humidity and heat cause trouble for normal people, but for diabetic people it brings even more problems. High temperature and humidity bring many challenges for diabetic people. There is sweat in summer and when this sweat comes in contact with air, it turns into steam and evaporates, which gives relief from heat and keeps the skin cool, but when there is humidity along with heat, it cannot turn into steam and evaporate due to moisture in the air, which causes many types of problems. Let us know how humidity and blood sugar level are related to each other-



The connection between humidity and blood sugar level

  • There is a direct relationship between humidity and unbalanced blood sugar levels. Excessive humidity causes sweating, water is released from the body which can cause dehydration. Not drinking enough water leads to dehydration quickly. Dehydration causes a lack of water in the blood, the blood starts thickening, sugar starts accumulating in the blood. This sugar spikes the blood sugar level and thus humidity creates an imbalance in the normal sugar level.
  • On the other hand, some blood vessels get damaged in diabetic people, due to which they face the problem of rapid dehydration. The body is not able to cool itself as effectively as normal people. This leads to fatigue and irritability and there is a risk of heat stroke.
  • Usually during dehydration, symptoms like headache, excessive thirst, dizziness, dry eyes and dry mouth along with fatigue can be seen. Especially diabetic people may have problems like low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, yellow urine, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, muscle cramps.
  • High temperatures and humidity also affect a diabetic's body's ability to use insulin. So drink plenty of water, stay away from soft drinks, alcohol and caffeine, avoid sunburn and keep monitoring your blood sugar levels.