
Along with the world, diabetes is spreading rapidly in India also. WHO estimates that 7.7 crore people above the age of 18 years are suffering from type 2 diabetes. Continuous research is being done on this rapidly spreading disease. Recently, a new study of diabetes has come out in which it has been found that if women eat a particular fruit every few days, then their risk of type 2 diabetes can be reduced. Now know about which fruit it is and when it should be eaten.

What does the study say?

New research has shown that eating a small amount of avocado every day can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in women. But if men eat it then they will not get any benefit related to diabetes from it. The researchers team wrote in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 'This study has found a relationship between avocado and diabetes. This is because avocado has a lower glycemic index, sucrose and glucose compared to other fruits. The sugar it contains has 7 carbons which helps in controlling blood sugar.

Researchers said, 'Avocado also contains antioxidants and nutrients that may help improve insulin sensitivity, which is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes. Registered Dietitian and Doctor of People's Health Wendy Bazilian says that avocado is a very good fruit which is also good for the heart.

Avocado is healthy

Dr Wendy said, 'Talking about the nutritional profile of avocado, healthy fat, fibre, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients are found in good quantities in it. I am not surprised to see the conclusion of the study that the risk of diabetes can be reduced by eating it. This can absolutely happen.

'This study was conducted on 25,640 people who participated in the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey, of which more than 60 per cent fell in the overweight or obese category. About 45 percent were men and 55 percent were women. Men were allowed to eat 34.7 grams and women 29.8 grams of avocado daily because a medium serving of avocado is about 50 grams.

Keeping in mind age, education, weight and physical activity, it was found that doing so reduced diabetes in women. When no results were found in men, the researchers said that in the research, women who smoked (about 12%) The percentage of males who smoked was higher (about 38%) compared to females.

Smokers are more likely to develop diabetes because exposure to nicotine can reduce the effectiveness of insulin. Men are more likely to drink alcohol excessively than women. This increases the risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Right now more research is being done on this
