Tesla CEO Elon Musk has shared his views on the India-US relationship. Elon Musk told a delegation of prominent Indian business personalities at his SpaceX Starbase facility in Texas that he believes India-US relations are in a 'positive trend' and he is in favour of an enhanced trade partnership between the two countries.
This week, to mark the UK-headquartered policy and events platform’s expansion to the US, Indian entrepreneurs led by India Global Forum (IGF) visited the company’s state-of-the-art space-related facilities and witnessed the successful launch of SpaceX’s Starship Flight 7.
Possibility of deep cooperation in the space sector
During the discussion, Musk emphasised the potential for deeper cooperation between the United States and India, especially in the technology and space sectors. "Things are going positive. I am definitely in favour of reducing barriers to increase trade between the US and India," Musk was quoted as saying during the session.
Musk described India as one of the ancient civilisations and a very great and a very good civilisation. The entrepreneur behind automotive major Tesla and social media platform X interacted with Indian business leaders from various sectors on India's growing role in technology and the global innovation landscape.
What did Elon Musk say about the business sector?
Tech billionaire Elon Musk told a delegation of prominent Indian business personalities at his SpaceX Starbase facility in Texas that he believes India-US relations are on a "positive trend" and he favours an enhanced trade partnership between the two countries.
Elon Musk said, 'At the India Global Forum, our mission is to bring together global leaders and innovators to tackle the defining challenges of our time... I believe India presents limitless opportunities, and this meeting symbolizes the potential for powerful partnerships.'